(Monday 9/6- Sunday 9/12)
Okay, so it has been almost two weeks since this major event happened in my life, and I am now ready to share it. I have not posted it because I did not want to seem ungrateful at the time, but now I can talk highly about it. No, it is not about being let go, again. I have accomplished one of my major life goals that I thought would never happen! Drum roll please
I visited the Pirates movie set!!!! AHHHH!
I still cannot believe it happened! In short, on the day I was told I was not being hired, my bosses remembered me asking to visit Pirates. As a consolation, they had me visit the set as a reward for a good job this summer. I wish I could say I was ecstatic, but I was so numb to the experience because I just found out I was not chosen for the job. It was a bitter-sweet night.
However, once I got on the set, I was really happy! I had no idea what I was in for, so I had low expectations, but what I got was beyond my comprehension.
I first arrived to shadow the Environmental Steward on the film and learn about his job just so I had reason to be on the set. It was so intimidating to walk around. There were hundreds of Pirates extras walking around, eating, or talking on their cell phones (which looked funny!).
The crew call was at night, so the sun was set, but the lights were as bright as day. The set I was facing was the water tank decorated to look like an abandoned hut on the beach. It was soooo cool!!! I managed to stand in the corner by where the Director’s chairs were and the monitor to see what they were filming. I ended up staying for over 3 hours when I was only supposed to be there for one. No one asked about me, so I just stayed out of the way. I think it was family night to visit, because there were sooo many other visitors there that just watched, so I fit right in.
While standing by the monitors, the crew was setting up the scene. It took about an hour just to get the foggy look, the makeup and rehearsals done. They were not shooting a large scene, but it still took a lot of work. The Production Assistants mesmerized me. I want to be one of them!! In my mind, they had the coolest job ever!
The movie was being shot in 3-D, so I had to watch the monitor with the glasses. It looked great in rehearsal. While standing and preparing for the scene, I recognized a few people. I saw the President of my Department, my assistant friend, two other executives, and the “New Regime” all scattered around the set. I got some hellos from the executives, and one talked to me for about 15 minutes. I felt right at home.
A few minutes later, I saw there was a Pirate standing behind me getting his beard finalized, and I realized that it was “Blackbeard”, played by Ian McShane. He was so funny and interesting to listen too. I said hi and he replied but was concentrating on the set. Apparently, he is one of the few actors who wants to be on set even when he is not expected to be. I think that is great!
Another unforgettable moment was seeing all the executives I have followed for years in one circle. There were: the three execs from my floor, Rich Ross (Pres. Of Studios), THE Jerry Bruckheimer, Penelope Cruz, and oh yes…. Hold your breathe…. JOHNNY DEPP!
Never in a million years was I expecting to see Johnny Depp in front of me. Yes, I am a die hard fan, and have been for years, especially as Jack Sparrow. Pirates is the movie that really made me consider working in this industry, so seeing Jack was like nothing I have ever experienced.
In fact, a few minutes prior to this circle meeting, I was standing by the set and I heard a lot of commotion behind me. I turned around and it was Johnny as Jack! He was walking out with his arm around his mother, who was visiting for the day. He walked right past me and just barely brushed my shoulders. I was in shock. I was so happy, but I stayed so still. I said nothing, but inside I was freaking out!
I still can’t get over it. I mean, it is one thing to be seeing Johnny, it is another to see Jack. But it a whole other level seeing Jack Sparrow, Penelope Cruz, Jerry Bruckheimer and others in one circle about 30 yards from me. That is soooo much Hollywood Power! Over 100 million dollars in that one circle. I will never forget that!
The final cherry on top regarding Johnny was seeing him interact on the set. There was a family with two girls ages about 12 and 15 standing behind Jack Sparrow’s chair. Before the scene started shooting, Johnny was talking to the girls for more than 15 minutes. He just talked and talked with them. I was sooo Jealous!! I wanted Johnny to talk to me. He was incredible. He let them touch the costume, acted in front of them, and took pictures with them. No one else in this town would have done that I think. Wow, to be them!
Those were the highlights of visiting the set, and I could not have been happier. Yes, they filmed for an hour after that, but that just added to the experience. In fact, it was just a two-line scene and Jack just ran around the set. I can now officially say I saw Johnny as Jack and act as Jack! I freaking visited the Pirates set!! I wish I had pictures, but those were not allowed.
Despite my disappointment for the staff assistant position, I got to where I dreamed of going for years, even if for an evening. I will never forget it. I accomplished what I came here to do! So if anything, I worked to accomplish my goal of being on the Pirates set!
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