That was my daily horoscope today in my state paper. I am not sure if I completely buy the idea of zodiac signs, but sometimes i find them extremely accurate. Today was that case. I am not sure if this was meant to be talking specifically about today or about the last few weeks of my life in general, but i will leave it up to my own interpretation.
So let's analyze. First, there is the "long way home." I think this is referring to my recent departure of Orlando via a four day road trip. It didn't have to be that long, but yes, it was a looong four days of just me and my thoughts in the car. This road trip has now brought me to staying at home in NJ for the past 5 weeks. And yes, I have started to see things in a new perspective. Without work in Orlando, friends, and activities to do during my day, I have no more distractions.
Disney has always been a good distraction. When I am there, I am not always concerned with the life beyond that area, including my future. So now, I am totally away from any distraction, the real "disruption from routine", and have a total new focus on what my next move in life will be. Once I move, I will see how my transition from Orlando did me wonders.
I also think the "disruption from routine" has a second meaning: My routine at home. I need to stop this routine of sleeping in, applying for jobs, and scrapbooking. What I need is a job. Once I get the job, or move to LA, my unproductive routine at home will be stopped, and make me happy (doing wonders).
I have been "bored with my groove" both in Orlando and here at home. I love Orlando, but working recreation at Disney was super boring. There were days I could not wait for the day to end. I hate being bored, and my recent roles there left me twiddling my thumbs. At home, I am bored. I am bored of doing nothing, I am bored of watching tv, doing facebook, writing coverletters. I just want to get started with life!
So all that's left, is to "do something about it." That "something" refers to the ultimate move to Los Angeles or the acceptance of a recently interviewed position in Florida. Who knows where, but that change is coming. My future is wide open, and I hope it's coming fast.
Cosmos, you could not have been more accurate!
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